Saturday, July 15, 2017

up to Hann's Crossing

On our way to our booked site at Hann’s we came across 2 unnamed lagoons which both had brolga and sarus cranes and jabiru (the second had an immature jabiru). It was very windy so we were careful getting out of the car with cameras etc if a car had just gone past, inevitably blowing up lots of dust. There were some bull dust patches too.

The famous male Olive Backed Sunbird

Forest Kingfisher

 Yellow Oriole
 Dusky Honeyeater
 Blue winged Kookaburra
 Jabiru - 2 adult and 1 juvenile


Sand Goanna - he has ticks on his face and neck

A juvenile Jabiru at another waterhole

 Sarus Crane

 Juvenile Jabiru


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