Sunday, July 9, 2017

Laura Day 2

The second day was very similar to the first, just with a few additional dances. Saturday evening was a treat with a hauntingly beautiful interpretive dance about the women obtaining wisdom from the owl and the spirits visiting then there were 4 indigenous bands – we crumbled after 2.

This was very interesting - a dance by members of the armed forces on Cape York. They shot dummy bullets into the air.

Sean was the MC for most of the festival. He was from Sydney and very unassuming and very funny.

 This little boy was meant to be dancing but obviously the stress was too much and he was whisked up by his father.

This Seisia boy was only 3 but amazed everyone in the audience for his great rhythm, ability to perform a complicated dance and to have danced for so long on his own.

We couldn't hear what this boy was saying but the audience near him were laughing so we assumed he was comical.



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