Wednesday, August 9, 2017

The Tip of Australia

Excitedly we set off for the tip and it didn’t disappoint – very scenic and photogenic. We walked to the tip via a low track behind the mangroves and then walked back along the higher rocky track.
Bumped into Karen, Leigh and family from Adelaide after previously meeting them at Weipa and had a nice catch up about their trip since then – they had a great time at Old Mapoon Back Beach and caught lots of fish. They all looked glamorous as usual!
Back at the bar at Punsand Bay, there were 3 Papuan Frogmouths in the tree above where we were sitting.
We now have to think about our route south. At least we have Chili Beach to look forward to!
The beach at the west of the tip

There's an island right across from the tip and its here in the photo on the left

There are actually quite a few islands near the tip

Columnar basalt

 Yes it was so beautiful we couldn't stop taking photos

The modest sign at the tip of Australia

Quite interesting rock

Russ was proud that the Chev had made it to the Tip

Papuan Frogmouths at Punsand Bay.

This is one of the frogmouths, caught in the middle of closing his eyes.



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