Saturday, July 15, 2017

Lotusbird Lodge lagoon

Sally said that this was a lovely place so we called in on our way out of Lakefield NP. Its $300 per person twin share to stay here for a night according to the delightful English backpacker who had been working there for 2 months, so we were very pleased that they allow travellers to wander around. They are almost continually full with tour groups from APT and Outback Spirit. The stay includes a helicopter ride for 40 minutes over waterholes and out to the coast (which explains why helicopters were coming over frequently when we stayed at Saltwater Creek). The log cabin style lodges look very attractive and are lacquered well - probably have to be painted each year in this weather. A guest we spoke to was very happy with Outback Spirit and with Lotusbird Lodge. $9k per head for 12 days isn't bad.

We walked the 2km around the water lily filled lagoon and adored the hundreds of magpie geese and other birds. We also saw plumed whistling ducks, comb crested jacana, green pygmy-geese, intermediate egret, Australian white ibis, Straw necked ibis, forest kingfisher and heard  double barred finch and blue winged kookaburra. A lovely oasis in the dry.


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