Saturday, July 15, 2017

Annies River Camp

We thought we’d check out Annie’s Camp which looks very close to the coast at the northern tip of the NP, near Princess Charlotte Bay that our friend Chris Mallam talks about. The road in was amazingly good and then the 2km track into the camp was fine, but looked as though it had been muddy not so long ago. We were the only ones here and thought we’d put in some crab traps and check out the birds. We’re very close to the creek but there are croc deterring 4m mud riverbanks so we’re not in any danger. While out walking Russ saw a croc rush into the water and we saw recent tracks from 2 other crocs. Russ tried hard to catch more barra and some mud crabs but nothing of sufficient substance, so we had left over pasta for dinner.

 The dingo tracker

Taking his pets for a run

Where the croc hurried into the water after Russ dropped his crab trap from the bank above



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