Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Heading South, Bramwell Junction Roadhouse

We started our trip south and made it to Fruit Bat Falls for lunch and a swim – what an amazingly beautiful place and the water looked even clearer even though there were about 15 people in the water. We met a guy in the car park whose springs had nearly come loose which would have allowed the axel to twist and total disaster would have ensued. Fortunately he checked them just in time.
The road varied from awful corrugations (5km/hour) to bitumen (70km/hour) and the vegetation varied too from dry savannah to lush rainforest. Sometimes there were pandanus, palms and grasstrees and sometimes the savannah was really lush too. At Bramwell Junction Roadhouse we saw loads of young blue faced honeyeaters and little friarbirds as well as the grey crowned babbler.
We enjoyed seeing the Brahmins walking along the fence line at sunset

Little Friarbird

Young blue faced honeyeater



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