Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Whitsundays Day 5

Day 5 and we motored to Cid Harbour and did our first anchor successfully!! After an early lunch we took the dingy over to Sawmill Beach and chatted to a few people then started the walk to the top of Whitsunday Peak, the highest point in the Whitsundays. It was a good energetic walk uphill with of course, magnificent views for about 300 degrees. After a nut bar and some water and loads of photos we descended which was much easier than the ascent. We got back to the boat at about 230 and had a cooling swim off the back of the boat and I settled into reading my Adele Parks book on the deck, trying to stay out of the sun. Had another swim, then a shower and our last dinner!! So sad that this has come to an end.
Sawmill Beach in Cid Harbour

On our walk up to Whitsunday Peak

At the top

Sawmill Beach from the peak

Our last evening


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