Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Whitsundays Day 2

Next morning we were up early and out snorkelling at low tide. As Sam advised we aimed to walk up the little track to the lookout on Tongue Point to see Whitehaven Beach and Hill Inlet with its shifting sands at about 9am and it didn’t disappoint.

We detached the dinghy and got it over to the beach, ready for our walk to the lookout

Halfway up the walk to the lookout

Perfect timing to see the Hill Inlet at mid tide

Back down on the beach of Tongue Bay


We then motored around to Whitehaven Beach and admired it as we motored along parallel to it. We’d heard other people talking about Chalkies Beach on the scheds (twice daily radio contact by someone on the mainland with all the bareboats to ensure they’re all behaving themselves) that morning and after checking the fishing regs, the Magical 100 miles book about the Whitsundays and the various other lists we have to check, we decided to go there. Once we got there and realised we might have some nice snorkelling, we decided to stay the night there. Luckily we got a mooring and settled in and had lunch. Our second snorkel at lower tide was better and we were so pleased to see so much healthy coral on some of the bommies. My duck diving has improved no end, thanks to some great coaching by Max and Maddie!!

Solway Passage that we'll go through tomorrow morning

Russ went off to do a bit of fishing

and caught a Coral Trout


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