Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Hull Heads

On Rob and Mel's advice, we arrived at Hull Heads, hoping there would be space for us. We were amazed at how beautiful it was and also that we got a lovely site right next to the boat ramp. The weather was very calm so we took advantage and took the tinny out towards Dunk Island, about 4km off shore. We didn't even get a bite. We consoled ourselves with the thought of walking on a cute beach on one of the islands but when we got there, the 'private, keep out" sign was a downer.

We're on the Hull River here and right near the mouth. We checked out the real estate prices and found out from a local that prices dropped by about 50% after the big cyclone about 5 years ago. Most houses were either completely ruined or had big damage claims. Apparently insurance companies have implemented a surge insurance which is very expensive. It sounds like its not possible to insure properties here against cyclones.

Red Capped Plover

Our camp site from the river

I was very excited when I caught this 8kg Spanish Mackerel. We had headed out to the gap between Dunk Island and another island - presumably the mackerel liked the strong current between the 2 islands.


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