Friday, July 7, 2017

Cape York Trip 2017 - home to Nuga Nuga NP

After much preparation, reading, purchasing a new car and canopy and spending hours organising many things, we left home at 8am on 9th June on our much awaited trip to Cape York. Two lovely days with family at Ballina and new bathroom walls for Kurt meant we hardly noticed the dreadful rainy weather. A visit to the Brisbane Caravan and Camping Show, again in the rain, passed without spending more than a few hundred dollars – amazing! We had a lovely evening with my cousins Kerry and Wendy and their husbands Colin and Graham. We then took off up north, via the amazing brothers Toby and Dan at Bruder Trailers in SW Brisbane.

We called in at Archer River Crossing (South), Judd’s Lagoon and the lonely Lonesome NP as well as the very understated Nuga Nuga NP where we saw hundreds of birds – Magpie Geese, Black Swans, Whistling Kite stealing eggs from the Little Black Cormorant nests. It may not have made any difference overall because there were thousands of Little Black Cormorants – the ground was white with their guano. We could hear ducks taking off and landing all night – beautiful sound.

 Lead up to Lonesome NP, just east of Carnarvon NP. Lonesome NP camp below.

 Trunk of Carbine Eucalypt

Baby Echidna in Russ's hand.

Lake Nuga Nuga at dawn

Striped honeyeater

Singing honeyeater

Rufous Whistler

Spotted pardolote

Magpie geese

Cormorant pair

Whistling Kite

Eastern Grey

Pale headed rosella

White bellied cuckoo shrike

Satin flycatcher



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