Monday, June 16, 2014

Boodjamulla, so spectacular

Another 55km down the road, at 20km/hour and just as corrugated and dusty, but who could imagine this place. Stunning red sandstone outcrops and sheer cliffs, the dusty blue green spinifex and the ever blue skies to contrast.

But who would expect to see this dream scene, that even Disney couldn't have thought up.

Indarri Falls

It was hard to leave this special place, with its exquisite colours from sunrise, midday and sunset.

 Turkey bush
Holly Grevillia

 Agile Wallaby
 Zebra finches
 How does "Varied Parrot" describe this unusual bird?

 So called "Great Bower Bird"
 Close up of some of the limestone formations at Indarri Falls.


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