Monday, June 16, 2014

Riversleigh, World Heritage Fossil Mammal site

Although we could complain about driving hundreds of kilometres on corrugated, dusty, gravel roads, to see 4 tiny fossils, if we hadn't been lured by the world heritage label, we would have missed this exquisite spot, like most other people. Riversleigh is part of the Boodjamulla National Park (formerly known as Lawn Hill).

We had the whole place to ourselves for the day, to wander, bird watch, splash around in the refreshing emerald waters and marvel at this amazing place.
This marker shows how high the creek crossing is. The sign says it's slippery and the current is strong. Yes, to both! I didn't go further than this without Russ's strong hand to keep me from slipping.

Another peaceful night as the only people in the national park camp area. Next stop the fossils that added so much to the world's knowledge about the large Australian mammals from 25 millions years ago - a carnivorous kangaroo, a bird much bigger than the emu and enormous turtles and crocodiles.
 Just 3.5km down the road from Riversleigh crossing, its dry again, for miles and miles.

 The large bird fossil.


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